This week we have a large order going out the door for a stockist so there are lots of boxes to fill and ivory ribbons to tie. We start early on a Monday. Although we do not officially open until 10am, we meet early to get together and talk about the week ahead, we take a quick look at our diaries and see what orders are going out the door this week. Then it's time for a quick chat over a cup of hot chocolate!
Once work has started on our outstanding orders I take a quick look at the website figures from the previous week. As usual Monday was the busiest - lots of Brides-to-be have been surfing the site to cheer themselves up and banish the monday morning blues with a bit of Carrie Yeo sparkle!

Was nice to be able to give her some tips and advice and reminice....

We have been working on orders all day today, and coming up with ideas for the new collections. I have so many ideas that I cannot wait to set aside some time and put them down on paper and make the first samples.

We went up north to have a catch up with the lovely Charlotte Balbier today who was glamourous as usual in a great navy blazer and vintage brooch. She has some fab new pieces in her Boutique collection. Am totally loving her Camilla and willow styles.
Whilst over in her area we went to see a potential new stockist with a gorgeous new shop. I think that their wall paper would look fab in my house- I think that my Husband would disagree.
We went down to Kent to see our latest stockist - La Boutique in Beckenham Kent. Julia the owner was lovely, and the shop looked amazing. The store will be stocking the Eternity, Deco and Vintage leaf ranges, as well as several other pieces from the flowers, Liberty and Audrey collections.

She wore a combination of our Delphinium hair pins and our Orchid hair pins scattered through her hair. Both styles are available on our website and are perfect for Brides to be.
Spent the morning working on orders- lots to make today. We all saw Desperate Housewives last night and loved Susan's headband/tiara. It was so pretty and really suited her. It might be used as inspiration in a new collection somewhere along the line....

Work is going well and it is nice to see all of the orders from this week wrapped up and ready to go out of the door on Monday!
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